EGTC EFXINI POLI – Network of European Cities for Sustainable Development
Organization History
“EGTC Efxini Poli – European Group of Territorial Cooperation” consists in the evolution of a network of Greek local authorities aiming at its members’ social, cultural, environmental, touristic and agricultural development, which was founded in 1995 under the name “EFXINI POLI”. EFXINI POLI as EGTC is activated since September of 2012 and undertakes projects of territorial cooperation (cross-border, interregional, transnational etc).
EGTC EFXINI POLI offers 22 years experience in Management of co-financed projects, has Management Capacity for their implementation and has been cooperated with more than 800 institutions, such as Municipalities, Regions and Universities in the territory of EU and outside of it
Main Activity
Nowadays, in 2017, the EGTC consists of 36 members, which of 31 are municipalities from Greece and abroad and the rest of members are local and university authorities.
EGTC EFXINI POLI in strong cooperation with its members, aims at interregional, transnational and cross-border activities for sustainable development in network areas for transferring know –how and exchange of good practices.
One of its most important project is ARISTOIL funded through Interreg Med Programme of European Territorial Cooperation.
The main objective of ARISTOIL is the reinforcement of Mediterranean olive oil sector competitiveness through development and application of innovative production and quality control methodologies related to olive oil health protecting properties (as recognized by EU 432/2012 regulation). The development of a) a Mediterranean Cluster for olive oil producers and businesses combined with b) specialised training, development of innovative methods for identifying the phenolic ingredients of the oil as well as c) oil producers’ support by special product certification is the mixture which will lead to the project’s objective.
Expected Results
- Reinforcement of production of innovative olive oil product
- Training for 3230 olive oil producers and millers
- Awareness raising for consumers
- Development of a standardised procedure for Olive oil “Health Claim” certification
- Development of Mediterranean Olive oil cluster of key actors
Expectation from ARISTOIL CAP
EGTC EFXINI POLI aspires to expand the network of stakeholders developed within ARISTOIL project funded through Interreg Med Programme. ARISTOIL Capitalisation is the vehicle to improve some tools already developed from ARISTOIL consortium, cover more aspects which are of the interest of the stakeholders and engage more stakeholders in the Mediterranean Cluster for Olive Oil.
Contact person and email for any interested party
Mary Krimnianioti – email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Tel +30 210 4227579
FACEBOOK : @Aristoil

Organization History
The European Institute for Evolution and Integration (EIEO) was founded in July 2013 and is based in Chalandri – Athens, Greece. It was the first year and our team had to face several difficulties as the Institute started its activity without any significant resources and cooperation. The scope of the Institute is to act and make the essential efforts in order to improve the quality of life of the European citizens. These efforts and actions are based on the European union policies as these stated in the official web site of the European Commission. The Institute has an expertise in Education and VET training, Law, Agricultural Research and Financial Consulting.
During the first two years, founders did all their future planning and support the Institute with their own resources and work. As a non-profit organization had to count basically on our own resources.
In 2015 the Institute received financial support under the Erasmus+ KA2 VET for two projects related to agricultural logistics and advanced agriculture. In both programs we had major role and both ended successfully in 2018. Details for the project “Green Logistics in cereals / Rice sector” can be found in http://green-logistics.aua.gr/ and for the project “Skills for Future Farmer (SKIFF)” in future-farmer.eu. In SKIFF e-learning platform more than 2,000 students managed to complete their course and awarded a certificate.
EIEO participates in Aristoil Cap project and not only this year, and we intent to contribute with the same intensity and effectiveness the team of the project as we did in the past ij other cooperation. Our team consists of experts with experience in agricultural economics and agricultural research and we expect that this project will add one more element in our specilisation in agricultural VET training.
Contact person and email for any interested party
Τηλ. 210 300 8619
Tel. +30 210 300 8619
Email: [email protected]

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry / General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies
Organization History
General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies (TAGEM) is the research body of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Turkey. TAGEM is located in Ankara and has 50 research institutes in different cities of Turkey. These institutes are central, regional and subject oriented research institutes specialized in different kinds of agricultural research. Thematic research areas of TAGEM are plant breeding and agronomy, plant health, livestock breeding and husbandry, animal health, aquaculture and fisheries, food and feed, soil and water resources, biodiversity and agricultural economy.
TAGEM was established in 1991 but most of the research institutes have been established between 1930 and 1980. There are 6.425 total staff in these institutes, 2.111 of which are researchers.
Aims of TAGEM
- to increase the yield and quality in plant and animal production;
- to develop new crops, varieties, breeding stocks and technologies for domestic and foreign market demands;
- to develop methods and techniques for plant and animal health and food safety;
- to protect and provide sustainable use of natural resources;
- to improve of research capacity (physical and human resources;
- to increase the national and international effectiveness of institutes and their collaboration with stakeholders;
- to prepare and apply the National Agricultural Research Master Plan;
- to determine the research priorities and ensure resources to be used according to the priorities;
- to monitor and evaluate research programs;
- to publish research results and provide the use of developed technologies;
- to prepare reports for policy makers to prevent likely crisis.
Main Activity
TAGEM is conducting agricultural research on national and international level with its institutes and in collaboration with other stakeholders such as universities, public and private sector, NGO’s etc. TAGEM gives high importance to international cooperation and has collaboration with EU, FAO, IPA, CGIAR, CIHEAM, OIC, JICA.
Olive and olive oil are one of the strategic products of Turkey. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and TAGEM give importance to such strategic products. There are a lot of researchers and two research institutes specialized in olive and olive oil production which shows how much importance is given to olive an olive oil. ARISTOIL capitalisation project, related to high quality olive oil production, is meeting the priorities of TAGEM and this international collaboration of olive oil producing countries is considered as valuable and beneficial. Sharing the existing knowledge and experiences of partners and studying together on the subject will provide very useful outputs not only for partners but also for other stakeholders as well.
Contact person and email for any interested party
The contact person of TAGEM in ARISTOIL project is Ahmet Budaklıer who is a food engineer working at Food and Feed Research Department of TAGEM. Contact information is [email protected].

MKV Consulting
Organization History
MKV Consulting is an SME which develops and implements training courses for adults, in cooperation with universities, the central agency for employment, trade associations, employer associations, chambers of trade and industry, municipalities, educational organizations and small and medium sized enterprises. MKV Consulting is offering services to meet the new requirements of the labour market. These requirements are as follows;
- the mid-level staff Training demands of the companies,
- to convert all Training Modules to e-Learning Materials,
- Capacity Building for SMEs and Associations, which is representing Sector,
- services to inform and encourage the Turkish organizations, social partners, educational providers and citizens to take part in the EU enlargement policy,
- to create a forum to raise political awareness and basic civic citizenship in Turkey.
MKV Consulting is working with numerous part-time experts during the Project implementations.
- PCM in EU Project
- Evaluation of the project
- Dissemination
- the mid-level staff Training demands of the companies,
- to convert all Training Modules to e-Learning Materials,
- Capacity Building for SMEs and Associations, which is representing Sector,
- services to inform and encourage the Turkish organizations, social partners, educational providers and citizens to take part in the EU enlargement policy,
- to create a forum to raise political awareness and basic civic citizenship in Turkey.

Med.o.r.o. – Organization for Research, Employment and Territorial Development in the Mediterranean – s.c a r.l.
Organization History
Med.ORO. is a consortium with limited liability which has been operating for several years in the field of local development policies; it is classified as “public body” in line with Directive 2004/18 / EC of 31 March 2004; Med.ORO is also an “international cooperation body” as expressed by the Regional legislative decree n. 32 of 22/12/2000.
Directly interacting with local authorities, enterprises, schools, associations and all public and private stakeholders operating in the field of policies for development and employment, Med.ORO. is engaged for several years in :
– conception and implementation of integrated projects aimed at the local territory promotion and development
Main Activity
Med.O.R.O has many years of experience in participation for transnational cooperation projects (Interreg IIIC South, Archimed, EIE, Italy-Malta, Grundtvig, Erasmus +), particularly in the field of sustainable tourism, environment, energy, enterprise promotion and public administration innovation.
Expectation from ARISTOIL CAP
MEDORO will therefore bring forth own experience and know-how by exploiting the methods and processes developed in previous projects to meet the specific needs and target group of Aristoil project.
Contact person and email for any interested party
Giacomo Giusto: [email protected]
Carmelo Messina: [email protected]

SVI.MED EuroMediterranean Center for Sustainable Development – no profit organisation
Organization History
Since 2003 SVIMED invests energies and resources in sustaining, through concrete actions, sustainable agricultural policies in different sectors, through the research, promotion and the safeguard of the environmental resources , through different cooperation projects at Mediterranean Level – ARISTOIL (Interreg MED 2017) – ECOLIVE (Erasmus +) – AGRO (Erasmus +) .
Main Activity
Since 2003 SVIMED has been proposing sustainability projects for the regional territory at National and European level AND works in active collaboration with Research Centers, Universities, National Institutions and Local and Regional bodies, in order to implement processes of development within the European Mediterranean space. The team has a consolidated experience in the design and implementation of cooperation projects, technical assistance, networking, capacity building in sustainable tourism, agro-food, energy and climate change, waste and water management.
Expectation from ARISTOIL CAP
Our mission is to contribute to the growing of the Euro-Mediterranean territory in a responsible and sustainable way through the belief that every project represents a challenge for our organization but also an opportunity for our territory and Aristoil Cap, is part of the challenge of healthy olive oil sector and in particular for the professional training of the actors of all the value chain.
Contact person and email for any interested party
Emilia Arrabito – email: [email protected]
Cell. tel +393466441286
Tel. +390932247643
Skype: emilia.arrabito
FACEBOOK : @Aristoil Living Lab