
The project aims to reinforce the olive oil sector through capacity building for the production of high quality olive oil with health protective properties. The project will focus on the exchange of good practices in olive oil producing countries and aspires to create a pool of adequately trained stakeholders of the olive oil sector, namely: producers, olive millers, bottling companies etc. who will be able to add value to their final product.

The project builds on existing know how developed within ARISTOIL project co- financed through Interreg Med programme regarding the Reinforcement of the Mediterranean olive oil sector competitiveness through development and application of innovative production and quality control methodologies related to olive oil health protecting properties. Experiments taken place within ARISTOIL project have helped to define the factors that affect the presence of polyphenols in the Olive Oil and thus define ways to preserve this precious content which can increase the value of olive oil. 

ARISTOIL CAP project will use the results of research taken place within ARISTOIL to develop a sustainable, multilingual course freely available to experts involved in olive oil sector and any practitioner in the field. Through a close synergy of key stakeholders in the consortium, we aspire to reach out to a wide audience, enable their access to continuing vocational education and training, improve their skills and connect them with a wide Network of Mediterranean stakeholders in the olive oil sector for future cooperation and exchange of know how.